[read Ex 20 vs 2-6, Deut 7 :9 , Ps 78 vs 1-7]

A legacy is the most important thing that we can leave behind for the next generation and beyond when we are no longer around. The scriptures above state clearly how God will bless us and generations to come as we love Him and keep His commandments.

The way we live our lives has profound impact – it should be a testimony of God’s goodness. A clear example is Abraham – who’s blessings were dependent on how Abraham taught his family as he was led by the Lord . Successful parenting depends on the parents’ relationship with God. A child’s image of God is primarily forged through how the parents relate to the child . For a child to love God, we must love God first.[ read Deut chapter 6].The parents, not the church will  always be the first point of teaching/discipleship for a child. The goal for our children should be their salvation.

In God’s sight, our real legacy is not money or position but influence based on values that model a Godly life.

It’s our example that speaks. Do we model a loving God? It doesn’t mean we have to be perfect [ for who is?] but we should be consistent and real. Children are quick to smell hypocrisy.

Home life and God moments arise spontaneously. Let’s teach our kids to rejoice and to serve . Let us set biblical standards in the home. Do our children know our stories? [ Deut 6 vs 20, 21].Have we told them of how God restores and redeems?[ Ps 78 vs 1-7].

Always remember that Christianity is one generation away from extinction.

So let’s ask ourselves –

What will be the legacy you leave behind ?

Will your children love God ?

Do our children see us worshipping God out of love – not obligation ?

Do we give willingly or grudgingly ?

Is our life in divine order ? Are we committed to things that matter?

Do  our children hear about our faith – about what the Lord has done for us, how He has restored and redeemed us? Do we encourage them to share their stories?

Reflect on the above and share and pray for each other.